Posted 2008 Am searching for my family roots, anyone knowing anything about BETTY LOU BEST, or either of her 2 younger brothers please contact me--Betty would have been in school in the late 1930's thru the early 1950's, and her brothers at a later time. Their parents were Sam J. and Alta Best who lived in the Coweta area in the 1930's--thanx all!!!! G.D. Bowers docp1949@msn.com (11-2008) Am looking for Harlem or Joan Baucumb, Or family living in Coweta. They lived in Encinitas, Calif. In about 1961-62. Please contact me lf you know of he family. Ruben P.S. they lived on Clark St. My folks last name was Luna Ruben Sotelo Telephone: 760-224-2737 Email: mlavae@pacbell.net (08-2008) I am looking for Liz Pate. She married and moved to Coweta in the late 80's or early 90's. Please call or email. Laurel Wells Telephone: 817-274-2527 Email: laurelwells@hotmail.com (07-2008) Looking for John McIntosh who graduated in 1965 in Tulsa. Thanks, Robert McIntosh ocovegas@gmail.com (06-2008) I'm looking for Larry Neal Moore, originally from Konawa, Oklahoma. April Moore Telephone: 405-248-2979 Email: justapril1976@yahoo.com (04-2008) all 64 grads, also Paul Dover, Delmer Easley, Cecil Wilson, john Paul reeves, ISABEL BURCHETT, ISABEL BURCHETT, ISABEL BURCHETT (Oh yeah) children of Faye Graham, Gary, Nancy, Patty, Cathy. Linda Allenbaugh all who knew me Kenneth Watson. prouddadof5kids@diamondnet.us (04-2008) Hi I'm looking for anyone with info on the following people, Robert Bush, Judy Sisney, Linda Botts, Ann Lindsey, Narissa Choate, Lotha Smith. Thanks, Kathleen Gardner Shepherd Email: misskatt63@yahoo.com (04-2007) BIRTHMOTHER LOOKING FOR THERE ADOPTED SON'S, BIRTH NAMES: JUAN MAURO SALINAS BORN-6/24/1969 AND ANDRES SALINAS BORN-5/10/1970, AT BAKERSFIELD CALIFORNIA HOSPITAL KERN MEDICAL CENTER. IT IS IN EMERGENCY TO PLEASE CONTACT MOTHER IS VERY ILL. CONTACT: BY EMAIL THANK YOU! ELIZABETH MALDONADO amigaliz1993@yahoo.com (03-2008) |