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Posted 2002

I just heard that Gary Holmes Died on 10/31/02. My sister went to school with him we were wondering what happened was he ill? Thank You Sharon Casey Email: scasey@doubletreeop.co (11-2002)

Hey, I am looking to see if anyone might have an email address for Donna Elliot. She is or was an English teacher at the high school. She was probably the best teacher I ever had and I would like to be able to write her. So if anyone has a email address for her, or could pass mine along to her I would greatly appreciate it. Kassandra Kearns Email: sparin@msn.com (11-2002)

Searching for my adopted cousins in Bakersfield ca. there names are Andres Salinas born 5/10/70 and Juan Mauro Salinas born 6/24/69. there birthparents :rose Mary Salinas born 7/31/53 and father Mauro Salinas born 11/4/43. Name: Elizabeth Maldonado Email: tahoe20365@prodigy,net (11-2002)

I am trying to locate my 33 yr old son who has been missing since Mar of 2001. His name is Cary Wayne La Valley He graduated from Rio Grande High School in May of 1986. He is from Albuquerque, New Mexico and I would really would like to find out if he is alive and well. gepedpar@aol.com (10-2002)

I'm the wife of Jeremy Dreadfulwater, he doesn't have but one sister....and his mothers name isn't Dawn....it's Tonya. Sorry, I hope you find what your looking for. Email: greenbean74401@hotmail.com (10-2002)

Looking for class of 2001. Marc Bailey Email: hotrod8622@yahoo.com (10-2002)

My name is Carmen Johnson-Garcia and I am looking for Tracy Cook for about 5 years now. Last I knew she was in Ohio, if you could help in anyway possible I would deeply appreciate it! carmenjg12@yahoo.com  or 918-486-6183 (09-2002)

I am looking to find Katy Sheridan or Chelsey Gould. I'm still in Texas, and wanted to catch up with you. Candice England (Cook) Telephone: (817)-419-6876 Email: candice.england@ushealthadvisors.com (09-2002)

Hello everyone I graduated from CHS in 1997, just would like to talk to old classmates that I haven't heard from in a while. E-mail me! Jessie Bryan Email: jesslyn@cox.net (09-2002)

looking for Geogia Booth. I am Rosemary's sister. I wonder how you are. I do not have any idea of your address and I know I could not find your home again. I am ok. contact me if you have a computer. Call me when you feel like it. Think of you often. Georgie, I hope you are ok. I am in touch with Kay and Ivan. Remember them from the House of Blue lights?? Kay and I are close friends. Martha Jo Williams Telephone: 405-948-6021 Email: redondobeacholdy@prodigy.net (08-2002)

I lived in Coweta in 1974. I made friends with a lady named "Pat" Braak. That was her name way back then. She worked at the old bar down on the highway. "Claudes". I was married to a man named "Willie". My mother Elizabeth Delk and my sister Rosemary Howard lived in Coweta for many years and are buried in Coweta. I live in Oklahoma City and any of you that remember me please email me. I worked at the Green Parrot for Colleen when I lived there. I moved back to San Jose, CA and when I would come back to visit, I would always visit with Pat Braack. So if someone that knows PAT, please tell her to email me or call me I am "JO". Her friend from along time ago. Martha Jo Williams Telephone: 405-948-6021 Email: redondobeacholdy@prodigy.net  (08-2002)

I am looking for anyone related to Charles DeJournett. There was a woman that called me a couple of years ago and said she had his son. He is about 23 or 24. I think her name was Dawn Smith but I can't remember and I've long since lost all information. I think his name was Jeremy or Jason with a different last name than his mother. Sabra DeJournett Phone: 918/371-5317 Email: sab208@hotmail.com (08-2002)

I am searching for an old classmates from Coweta Elementary that I remember from 3rd grade, her name is (was) Karen Claxton. She would have graduated about 1983. Hey Karen if you are out there e-mail me, I would like to hear from you. Shelly Weaver-Ward wgwardjr@aol.com (08-2002)

OK, I don't remember his or her name but I'm looking for a guy about 23 or 24, his biological father is Charles DeJournett. I was thinking his name was Jason, then Jeremy, now I'm not sure. His mother called me a couple of years ago, I thought her name was Dawn Smith, but now I'm not sure. I would really like to reach one of them, I know, there's not much to go on. Hopefully, they're looking for me too. Sabra DeJournett Telephone: 918-371-5317 Email: sab208@hotmail.com (08-2002)

I'm looking for Shawny Shari Leos. we "dated" in early 2000 for a few months before we stopped seeing each other. i still care for her very much and think of her everyday. i just want to know if she's happy and doing well. my email is jimi29love@yahoo.com. (08-2002)

Hi, I'm Stephanie Longcrier and attended school in Coweta from 3rd to 10th grade. Class graduated in 1985. Looking for some old classmates. Recently got back in touch with Joyce Ketteman and it brought back lots of old memories. Anyone just wanting to say hello? I'd love to hear from you. Stephanie frybread@mynewroads.com (08-2002)

Sabra DeJournett-I may be looking for Jeremy Dreadfulwater with mother Dawn Smith. If you know either, please have them contact me at 918/371-5317. Jeremy may be a long lost brother of mine. sab208@hotmail.com (08-2002)

My name is Matthew Barrett, I graduated in Coweta in 1997. Since then I've been in the Navy and was out of the country for about two years. It's been 4 1/2 years, and I would like to see if I could find any of my old buddies. I know live in Jacksonville, FL., but my email is always open. My email address is barrettml@vp5.navy.mil . Hope to hear from someone!!! Just wanting to say "hi" to all of my old friends. (06-2002)

I am working on my masters thesis over the mid-continent refinery in Tulsa. I am looking for a brief biographical background on J C Denton who served as vice-president and attorney for the company in the late the 1930s. Diane Rubey Watiejp@aol.com (06-2002)

Looking for my uncle Owen Ray Timm, son of Murl, brother of Leone. Tince Timm c-ttimm@msn.com (06-2002)

Does anyone know the whereabouts of Gene Bennett? He graduated from Coweta in 1972. Pam McQuiston Chesbro Chezsey@aol.com (04-2002)

Looking for Suzanna Kunkle went to school at Northwest Elementary in the Second grade. 1985 She moved after that. Rondell Brown 
rondellbrown@yahoo.com (01-2002)

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